Missions’ Prayer Sheet for January 2016
Prayer is Your Missionaries Greatest Need! January 2016
Our retired missionaries
Virgil and Dolores Bunjer, retired missionaries from Germany, living in Ankeny, IA, helping minister to senior missionaries for Baptist Mid-Missions, keeping us updated on Germany Both Virgil and Dolores recently had the flu bug, and it has taken a while to recover. Their Christmas plans were a bit disrupted. Pray for the Eichstatt Church as it is in the trial period in the new building. If neighbors object to having the “noise” of meetings there, the group will have to search for another meeting place.
Louis Miller, retired builder, living at Manning
Allen and Marilyn Adler, Native American ministry, Townsend, MTreport that two men made professions of faith at the prison ministry. Marilyn is slowly, but steadily improving in health. Pray for seniors to accept Christ as a result of the Adler’s nursing home ministry. (See Missions’ board for their Christmas letter/family update).
Joan Nichols, living in Ankeny, formerly serving in Latin America
Wyzetta Titus, widow of Gerald Titus serving the homebound in her area of VA
The Dean Buttons, former Builders, now located at Marshalltown, IA
Lois Wantoch serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon
Bonnie Abbas, now staying with her sister in IA after her stroke
Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer
Norman and Susan Smith family serving in Japan, seeking to build bridges to individuals and establish Churches– www.smithlife.net 1160-13 Kyokushi-fumoto, Kikuchi, Kumamoto-ken 869-1202 JAPAN Amanda Gray is coming in March to give part-time help in the ministry. Pray for the Bible studies, meetings, and the building of relationships, so necessary in the sharing of the Gospe. “Please continue to pray for more workers for Japan.”
Darrel and Lori Jingst, EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL –
Mike and Peggy Carr, Missionary Builders with CBM – They will be at CBM headquarters for the winter. Pray that the project in WI will soon have the green light, and that money needed to proceed will come in. They are at 84% support level.
Dan and Peggy Whitcher, Church Planting and Development Cordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions. Follow them:www.danandpeggy.com — (New address: 20326 Linden Tree Dr., Katy,TX 77449)
Brad and Marie Hansen and family, Baptist Church Planters, Bussey, IA
Dennis and Peggy Robinson, CBM, Missionary Builders
Ron and Kathleen Weber — starting a “retiring” short-termmissions ministry, after starting 11 strong Churches with ABWE inBrazil
Ed and Cheryl Bunt, CBM Church Planters, Danville, IA
Pete and Darla Ringleberg, CBM Home Office – in MI
Missionaries We Support With Prayer
Lars and Phyllis Wessberg – Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E. Some of Phyllis’ health problems turned out to be undiagnosed shingles in her eye! She also had Lyme disease that wasn’t discovered for a considerable time. She is on the mend now. Pray for the Wessbergs as they are “earnestly seeking God’s direction concerning future areas of ministry where God would have us to serve Him.” With age, they find they have certain limitations which call for some changes.
Steve and Kelley Frerichs, Church Planters in Lima, Praise God that new Bible studies have started. Three area Churches want to reach theYauyos Valley for Christ. Pray for wisdom in travel. The rainy season nears and the roads can be very dangerous. (Take a look at the photo in the Frerichs’ letter on the hall bulletin board!!) Pray for the kids in the Frerichs’ neighborhood and the new families now attending the Church.
Stephen and Cathy King, serving in the printing ministry at Source of Light Ministries
Blane and Kelly Barfknecht family, Church Planters with BCP,Chalco Hills Baptist Church in the Omaha area of NE Check out the website: www.chalcohillsbaptist.com Church attendance is growing. Some special outreach opportunities are being planned for the months ahead. Pray that the community will continue to respond to the mission Church. The sister church plant in Bennington has had to close down. Health issues with Mrs.Wilmeth temporarily will keep them from serving. Pray for her healing. Pray for Faith students that travel once monthly to minister with the Barfknechts. Pray that some of them will be called into Church planting.
Lucas and Kimberly Warner, serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions Check out:www.facebook.com/WarnersinRomainia Nicole Carr, on deputation to work with the Warners and their Church-Plant Team – She is within $550 a month support of being on her way to Romania. If four more Churches will take up the need, she expects to be on her way next month. Meanwhile, she is speaking at several Baptist Churches in IA and MN. Pray for safe travels.
The Barry Farlow family, in Brazil, serving with Baptist Mid-Missions The calling of an intern for the next year is a step toward the Church there having its own pastor. Pray that growth continues so that support will be there to support a pastor fulltime. Adolescents Camp is underway, for schools are having summer break. Pray for Barry. He is speaking to the youth. Another prayer request: The publisher that is providing Sunday School material that is sound for the missionaries is needing to move to a less expensive building. Sales have taken a big drop. Pray this VERY important ministry keeps going.
The James Taylors (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com ) in Brazil
The Boyds, missionaries to Colombia with ABWE Visit:www.BoydHome.com The Church held their first Youth camp. Two teens accepted Christ as Savior. The Church finally got legal recognition only to find out the lawyer had used a completely different set of by-laws! Second surprise: Now banks are not opening accounts for Churches. This is but one area of their 2015 discouragements, however, they continue to praise God for his grace and faithfulness. Pray these legal difficulties are overcome in this, the new year!
Henry John family with Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native India Molly had to be admitted to the hospital – even as Henry was inIndia teaching. (Pray she can have a new kidney transplanted as dialysis was the cause of her infection.) Praise the Lord that their daughter, Sharon, has been able to keep things under control here with Henry absent! Both the John young people will be at Iowa State this fall. Keep on praying for this faithful family and North India Baptist Seminary/Indian Church planters.
Pat and Bonnie Ryal medical missionaries to Nicaragua with ABWE –
George and Dottie Hatfield, Campus Ministries at ISU in AmesVisit: http://ghatfield.ebm.org It seems that prayer has been answered in regard to an international couple to assist the Parmerlees in the “Marrieds Ministry.” A young couple that are mature believers and have a burden for the Chinese are eager to assist. Keep on praying that the Sharbaughs will be in Ames by August 1, 2016. The Hatfields so need more help for the fall semester/new school year. Dottie’s sister Julies has an inoperable tumor deep in her brain. Her husband has had his leukemia return. Both need Christ. The Hatfields have shared witness of the Lord to them.
Rhonda Green, RN, Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam, on furlough She praises the Lord that she connected with some Micronesians even as she was here on furlough. She was able to share tracts and invites to Bible teaching Churches. Rhonda still has a need of $2000.+ toward finishing up her master’s degree in public health. She should have arrived back in Guam the first of this month.
Ben and Katie Wooster, on deputation as CBM missionary builders – Pray that they reach 75% support before they leave for their next project. (That is only 3% / $150.) Time with family for the holidays has been wonderful.
Anna Beth Wivell with Baptist Mid-Missions, translator, now inChad in Africa View her blog: www.annabethwiv.com
The Mapes with Baptist Mid-Missions – hoping to return to Ghanamissionary service this year.
Timothy and Jane Silcott family with COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches. Check outwww.silcottministries.com
Pat and Wendy Campbell, Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries toPeru
Wesley and Sonia Chatla – International Gospel Missions, National Pastor to India Answered prayer: God has provided the remaining funds so that the family could purchase a vehicle. The church plant inMachilipatnam has presented some challenges. A place to rent has been difficult to find. “Please remember this great need in your prayers.” Please also, note the pack of photos and information that the Chatlas sent regarding the fire that occurred in their area recently: 16 families of Bethel Baptist Church inGudapadu were affected. 12 houses completely burned and four water buffaloes! There is great financial need to assist these brothers and sisters in Christ!
The Phillips Family, Team Church Planters in Chicagoland withBaptist Church Planters. Visit www.phillips5.net
Mark and Leslie Boyd and family, Missionaries to Germany –“Boyd baby #6 had made an appearance! Simeon Wayne Boyd was born on January 15, 2016 at 11:44 am. He is 3870 grams or 8,5 pounds. He is 54 centimeter long. Both mommy and baby are doing very well. We are rejoicing at what God has done! Greetings from a very proud papa, Mark Boyd”
John and Bev Leonard, Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil – Check out: www.prayforjohn.com
David and Patti West, Gospel Mission of S.A., anticipating “training nationals in Argentina and Chile” God has taken them safely through some very bad road conditions doing deputation this winter. They are now in Argentina getting a first-hand introduction to their future ministry field.
The Tylavskys – Church Planters with CBM, on their way to theWashington D.C. area Pray for the schedule of meetings throughout this year. Twenty four more individual/Church supporters would be adequate for their leaving for the ministry God has called them to.
Joy Akkermann with Baptist Mid-Missions headed to the jungles of Peru
The Campbell family with ABWE headed to Cumbaya, Equador(www.campbellfamily-ecuador.com)
Mark, Anahi, and Sophia Self, serving in Argentina – Pray diligently for the El Talar church plans to be approved. A small correction is needed, but the architect is on vacation in Brazil. No one is in charge in his absence, and he has turned off his phone. A U.S.team is to arrive to work, but all progress depends on these documents being approved! The Selfs have included an annual report of what God has done. (See board.)
Andy Scott with Baptist Mid-Missions “Reaching the World through Boston”
Rick and Elaine Fessel assisting the German Missionaries inEichstatt, Germany (BMM) They send a good report – 36 attended the Christmas Eve service. Prayer is needed that the rented building in Eichstatt can be kept for a meeting place. Also, pray that Rick continues to improve in communication skills. (It has been a while!) Their 3 daughters flew in from various locations, and the family had a great holiday time together.
The Snells to Germany with Baptist Mid-Missions
LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE ARE ALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THE JOB WILL GETDONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students; Pastor Capon, State GARBC Rep.; the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com ; Shepherd’s Home (Save all the barcode labels from Campbells foods – place in the envelope on the mailboxes!); Alpha Women’s Center; our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website: www.fbcbrayton.org ; IARBC statewide ministries; Baptist Children’s Home Ministries; and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. Pray for the Jews. Pray for Israel. Pray for our Ladies Bible Study! Pray that we will see those who need the Lord in our own neighborhoods! Pray that the Lord will speak to the hearts of boys and girls who attend Patch, PeeWees, and Compass Clubs and that they and their parents will attend Sunday School and Church. Pray for the workers and the Club Members!
Pray for the area Youth Rally at Brayton being planned for March. Pray for spiritual blessings as a result of all the work that goes into this.