Missions Prayer Sheet for December 2017
Prayer is Your Missionaries’ Greatest Need!
December 2017
Our Retired Missionaries
Virgil and Dolores Bunjer
- Retired missionaries from Germany, living in Ankeny, IA
Allen and Marilyn Adler
- Native American ministry, Townsend, MT.
Ron and Kathleen Weber
- “Retired” in NJ after Church planting for 40 years in Brazil.
Joan Nichols
- Living in Ankeny, formerly served in Latin America
Wyzetta Titus
- Widow of Gerald Titus faithfully serving the homebound in her area of VA
Lois Wantoch
- Serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon
Bonnie Abbas
- Living with her sister in IA since leaving S.A. due to health reasons.
Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer
Darrel and Lori Jingst
- EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL
Norman and Susan Smith family (www.smithlife.net)
- Serving in Kumamoto, Japan – workers needed!
- Seeking to build bridges to individuals and establish Churches.
- Pray for the Smith Family. Susan’s father passed away in late Nov. causing the Smith family to depart Japan on their furlough earlier than planned.
- Pray for Jonathan, Marty, Nathan, and Takahiro who will share preaching duties in Norman’s absence.
Mike and Peggy Carr
- Missionary Builders with CBM, building — have completed the project at Fort Ashby, W. Va.
Dan and Peggy Whitcher (www.danandpeggy.com )
- Church Planting and Development Coordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions
Brad and Marie Hansen and family
- Baptist Church Planters, Bussey, IA
- Visit the church website: busseychurch.com
- Have opened the new Tire and Service business in Bussey with prayer that it will be used for the glory of God as an outreach to folk in the area.
Dennis and Peggy Robinson,
- CBM, Missionary Builders
Ed and Cheryl Bunt
- CBM Church Planters, Chatsworth, Illinois
Missionaries We Support With Prayer
Lars and Phyllis Wessberg
- Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E. Pray for them as they decide where/how God wants them to serve as they deal with the limitations of age.
Steve and Kelley Frerichs,
- Church Planters in Lima, Peru
Cathy King
- Pray for her ministry to women with Sabrina’s Hope.
Lucas / Kimberly Warner ( www.facebook.com/WarneresinRomainia )
- Serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions.
Nicole Carr
- Serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Romania.
- Children’s ministries and Sunday services have had increased attendance.
- The teen choir has begun its ministry. This has been an opportunity to minister to parents.
- Pray for her growth in language skills!
The Jonathan Boyd Family
- Missionaries to Colombia with ABWE. (BoydHome.com )
- Pray for Jonathan as he does preparation to teach two classes to pastors in the new year – one course he is developing from the ground up!
Henry John Family
- With Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native India
- Molly needs a kidney transplant.
- The recent 4-week teaching trip saw 20 students attending classes and 3 new students being admitted.
- The team visited homes and local Churches and Haridwar where it is hoped a new work can be started. Pray for the Church planting pastors and their families.
- $8000. Is needed for the January modules that will be taught by Henry John and a pastor who is going too.
Pat and Bonnie Ryal
- They are dealing with long-term effects of the chemo drugs the Dr. needed in order to go into remission with the cancer. An irregular heart rhythm is his latest health issue. Pray the Ryals can still be of use to the Lord in Nicaragua and other Latin American areas.
George and Dottie Hatfield (http://ghatfield.ebm.org)
- Campus Ministries at ISU in Ames
- Pray for the Sharbaughs – their support level at 78%.
Anna Beth Wivell (www.annabethwiv.com )
- Translation of the Sara Kaba Naa Bible are getting near the end of the project. The translation teams are discouraged. Pray that they get their second wind!
- 140 Baptist Church leaders recently came from all over southern Chad for training. Anna Beth’s dad got to come as one of the teaching missionaries. They had a wonderful reunion.
- FACT: Africa’s 1.2 million people speak 2,144 of the world’s 7,099 languages!
Rhonda Green RN
- Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam
The Mapes
- With Baptist Mid-Missions – Ghana. Pray for them as they resume their African ministry.
Timothy and Jane Silcott Family (www.silcottministries.com )
- With COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches.
Pat and Wendy Campbell
- Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to Peru
Wesley and Sonia Chatla
- International Gospel Missions – Church planting in India
The Phillips Family (www.phillips5.net)
- Team Church Planters in Chicagoland with Baptist Church Planters.
Mark and Leslie Boyd and Family
- Church planting missionaries to Germany
The Snells
- Baptist Mid-Missions to Germany.
James / Christen Taylor – Brazil (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com
- Five new members have joined the Church.
- The building is underway. A reasonably priced contractor is at work. Pray he will see the light of Jesus in the missionaries and the Church folk.
John and Bev Leonard (www.prayforjohnblog.wordpress.com)
- Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil
David and Patti West
- Gospel Mission of S.A
- Language studies end this month. Pray the Wests can head on to the mission field and keep their new skills active!
Mark and Jennifer Tylavsky
- Church Planters with CBM.
- They still need to find a renter for their house her in IA.
- They are still searching for a rental house in Bowie – one that meets their needs and one they can afford.
- New support has been promised, and God is providing their needs!
Joy Akkermann
- Baptist Mid-Missions transitioning to the jungles of Peru
- Two girls from Sunday School sought out Joy to lead them to Christ as Savior.
- Pray for more ladies to attend craft workshops so that they can hear the gospel.
- Teaching English and the devotion in the school continues.
- Pray for safe travel. Joy gets to travel home for 2 weeks during the holidays.
The Campbell Family (www.campbellfamily.com)
- Church planting in Murdo, SD.
Mark, Anahi, and Sophia Self
- Church planters/Serving in Argentina.
- Visitors continue to attend the new Church.
- Pray for the Dec.10th Christmas musical.
- Critical request: $50,000 is needed to procure materials for the team of 30 coming in February. Pre-work needs to be done so that the help from the USA is well utilized.
Rick and Elaine Fessel
- Assisting the German Missionaries in Eichstatt, Germany (BMM)
Ben and Katie Wooster
- CBM Builders.
The Hemsworth Family
- On deputation to serve at Missionary Acres.
- Check out their new website: hemsworths2ma.com
- Their support has grown by 4 individuals and 15 Churches this year.
- Another way to support them is by an end-of-year tax deductible gift. (See the list of needs on their letter on the hall missions’ board.)
The Barry Farlow family
- On furlough from serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Brazil in Church and Seminary teaching.
- The Brazilian Church called a Brazilian, a graduate from seminary and a member of the Church to serve as Pastor – along with his family.
- The Farlows are in Washington state and going to Burney, CA to report in that area for the next 2 ½ months.
LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE ARE ALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THE JOB WILL GET DONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students as they attend classes. Pastor Capon, State GARBC Rep., the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com ; Shepherd’s; Alpha Women’s Center; our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website: www.fbcbrayton.org ; IARBC statewide ministries; Baptist Children’s Home Ministries; and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh (Landmine blasts and gunshot wounds are not as frequent with refugee camp patients. They are so thankful the support of Samaritan’s Purse. Wards have been constructed. Short-term volunteers are helping out. There is a new Intensive Care ward in the new hospital building, but new updated equipment is desperately needed!) Pray for Israel/the Jews. Pray that we will reach those who need the Lord in our own neighborhoods. Patch Clubs are preparing their Christmas Concert. Then they recess for 3 weeks.. Pray that kids can attend Church on Sunday. Pray that families in this area will see the need of boys and girls hearing the Gospel in order to grow spiritually every week through: Sunday School, Children’s Church ministries. Pray for and attend Women’s Bible Study, WMF Project Days and Men’s Prayer and Project Mornings!