Missions’ Prayer Sheet for June 2018

Prayer is Your Missionaries’ Greatest Need!

June 2018

Our Retired Missionaries


Virgil and Dolores Bunjer

  • Retired missionaries from Germany, living in Ankeny, IA

Allen and Marilyn Adler

  • Native American ministry, Townsend, MT.
  • Prison services have been well received by inmates.
  • Pray for this month’s nursing home ministry.
  • Marilyn has had difficulties since her hernia surgery 4 years ago. Pray that the decision that the Adlers made regarding corrective surgery this month was the decision the Lord wanted them to make!

Ron and Kathleen Weber

  • “Retired” in NJ after Church planting for 40 years in Brazil.
  • Ron and Kathleen are busy in their local Church.

Joan Nichols

  • Living in Ankeny, formerly served in Latin America..

Wyzetta Titus

  • Widow of Gerald Titus faithfully serving the homebound in her area of VA

Lois Wantoch

  • Serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon

Dan and Peggy Whitcher  (www.danandpeggy.com )

  • Retired in Katy, TX from Church Planting and Development Coordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions

 Bonnie Abbas

  • Living with her sister in IA since leaving S.A. due to health reasons.


Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer


Darrel and Lori Jingst

  • EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL
  • This month they attend the EBI meeting in TN. In July they will be visiting Churches in the Midwest and attending the BMM conference. They have camp with the teens from their Church in August. Pray for safe travels.
  • From the recent EBI publication: From 500,000 born again believers in Latin America at the turn of the century, the region has expanded to more than 40 million today. This growth has resulted in the establishment of more than 9,000 Baptist Churches. (What a need for good Spanish materials for these individuals and their Churches!)

Norman and Susan Smith family (www.smithlife.net) ABWE

  • Have started meeting as a group with the individuals they have been studying the Bible with. Pray they find a good place to meet so that a Church is “born.”
  • Norman is teaching Biblical counseling. Chloe is getting her motorcycle outreach. She and her dad are starting a motorcycle outreach.
  • Seeking to build bridges with individuals and establish Churches.

Mike and Peggy Carr

  • Missionary Builders with CBM.

Brad and Marie Hansen and family                                  

  • Baptist Church Planters, Bussey, IA
  • Visit the church website: busseychurch.com

Dennis and Peggy Robinson,

  • CBM, Missionary Builders

Ed and Cheryl Bunt

  • CBM Church Planters, Chatsworth, Illinois
  • The Church will try a Weekend VBS this year. Pray for a group of volunteers going from the Church to work at a missionary retirement village. They will learn what involvement in a mission work project is like. A six-week ladies’ Bible study is also planned for this summer!



Missionaries We Support With Prayer


Lars and Phyllis Wessberg

  • Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E. Pray for them as they decide where/how God wants them to serve as they deal with the limitations of age.

Steve and Kelley Frerichs,

  • Church Planters in Lima, Peru

Cathy King

  • Pray for her ministry to women with Sabrina’s Hope.

Lucas / Kimberly Warner ( www.facebook.com/WarneresinRomainia )

  • Serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions.

Nicole Carr

  • Serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Romania.
  • Many people leave the area in the summer for jobs that pay more in neighboring countries. This affects the ministry.
  • Pray for God’s protection of the busy, dangerous roads.
  • The Kimmels, Nicole’s co-workers are in the U.S for furlough and Stateside ministry.

The Jonathan Boyd Family

Henry John Family

  • With Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native India
  • Molly needs a kidney transplant.

Pat and Bonnie Ryal

  • They are dealing with long-term effects of the chemo drugs the Dr. needed in order to go into remission with the cancer. An irregular heart rhythm is his latest health issue. Pray the Ryals can still be of use to the Lord in Nicaragua and other Latin American areas.

George and Dottie Hatfield (http://ghatfield.ebm.org)

  • Campus Ministries at ISU in Ames
  • The Sharbaughs are in IN ministering in Churches and a camp. Pray that the last 10% of their support is forthcoming.
  • Dottie now has two small group Bible studies with Chinese and South Korean women. George has started two evangelistic studies.

Anna Beth Wivell (www.annabethwiv.com )

  • Continue to pray for the every-day difficulties in the life of a translator there in Chad.

Rhonda Green RN     

  • Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam
  • Rhonda is meeting with Rima who needs assurance of salvation. Micronesian people have difficulties with accepting Eternal Security of believers – Christ did it all, and we must accept His grace and mercy.
  • The bus broke down. Pray for a soon and dependable replacement. Pray individuals will help get those needing a ride to Church events in the meantime.

The Mapes

  • With Baptist Mid-Missions – Ghana.

Timothy and Jane Silcott Family (www.silcottministries.com )

  • With COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches.

Pat and Wendy Campbell

  • Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to Peru
  • Pray for Pat and Wendy as they teach daily classes.
  • The dormitory, as part of Phase II campus expansion, is being built. The cost is $70,000.
  • Next month Dr. Newman from Faith will be on the campus to teach. Pray for him and his wife as they prepare and make the trip.

Wesley and Sonia Chatla

  • International Gospel Missions – Church planting in India
  • Wesley is recovering from heat stroke.
  • Praise the Lord for a recent baptism.
  • Pray that needed funds for several projects come in.

Mark and Leslie Boyd and Family

  • Church planting missionaries to Germany
  • Praise the Lord! The hoped-for building has become available, and the Church now has an ideal meeting place!

The Snells

  • Baptist Mid-Missions to Germany.
  • They learned their language tests did indeed go well. Next level test is in October.
  • The students helped finish handing out 12,000 tracts to the city’s homes.

James / Christen Taylor – Brazil (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com )

  • The new building will be ready to be inaugurated on the 7th Anniversary of the Church.
  • The 11 day strike is over. It only made things cost more. Pray for the October election to make a difference.
  • Christen is training teachers. Pray for these new workers in the Church.

John and Bev Leonard (www.prayforjohnblog.wordpress.com)

  • Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil

David and Patti West

  • Gospel Mission of S.A
  • They are in the process of getting temporary residency so they do not have to leave the country every 90 days.
  • The training school is being developed. Pray for wisdom for committee members!
  • The season is late fall. They are wearing their coats now.


Mark and Jennifer Tylavsky

  • Church Planters with CBM.
  • They still need to find a renter for their house here in IA.
  • The Bible Study with their landlady goes well.
  • Mark has a part-time job at the auto parts store. This helps the budget but leaves less time for ministry involvement. Pray more folks will partner financially with the work in MD.

Joy Akkermann

  • Baptist Mid-Missions transitioning to the jungles of Peru
  • Her ministries with the young people and and in the Christian School continue. She will take a break this month, however, and be at IRBC Camp with the Junior Girls.

The Campbell Family (www.campbellfamily.com)

  • Church planting in Murdo, SD.

Mark, Anahi, and Sophia Self                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Church planters/Serving in Argentina.
  • The Church has over a half dozen new members! Greek class continues to go well.
  • The construction of the building continues. Pray for the gym that is being built on the third story. Workers will be 40-feet in the air during construction. Pray that all goes safely.

Rick and Elaine Fessel

  • Assisting the German Missionaries in Eichstatt, Germany (BMM)
  • Pray that the Refugee Bible study in Neuburg continues to have good progress while Rick is Stateside this summer.

Ben and Katie Wooster

  • CBM Builders.
  • Their support level has reached 90%.
  • They are at the CBM home office for the Mission Board’s meeting. Pray for travel safety.
  • They have enjoyed serving in their sending Church this spring!

The Hemsworth Family

  • On deputation to serve at Missionary Acres with Baptist Mid-Missions.
  • Check out their new website: hemsworths2ma.com

The Barry Farlow family

  • On furlough from serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Brazil in Church and Seminary teaching.



LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE ARE ALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THE JOB WILL GET DONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students – there are many summer ministries. Pray for Pastor Capon, State GARBC Rep., the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com ; Shepherd’s; Alpha Women’s Center; our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website: www.fbcbrayton.org ; Baptist Children’s Home Ministries; and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. Pray for Israel/the Jews. Pray that we will reach those who need the Lord in our own neighborhoods. Pray that boys and girls in the area can attend Sunday School and Church. VBS preparations are underway. Pray for and attend Women’s Bible Study and WMF Project Days!

Categories Missions Prayer Sheets | Tags: | Posted on June 23, 2018

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