Missions’ Prayer Sheet for May 2018

Prayer is Your Missionaries’ Greatest Need!

May 2018

Our Retired Missionaries

Virgil and Dolores Bunjer

  • Retired missionaries from Germany, living in Ankeny, IA
  • Pray for Virgil who is very uncomfortable with the pain in his “upper left leg and right shoulder.”

Allen and Marilyn Adler

  • Native American ministry, Townsend, MT.

Ron and Kathleen Weber

  • “Retired” in NJ after Church planting for 40 years in Brazil.
  • Ron and Kathleen are busy in their local Church.

Joan Nichols

  • Living in Ankeny, formerly served in Latin America.
  • Recently has had more health issues. She thanks up for praying for her.

Wyzetta Titus

  • Widow of Gerald Titus faithfully serving the homebound in her area of VA

Lois Wantoch

  • Serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon

Dan and Peggy Whitcher  (www.danandpeggy.com )

  • Retired in Katy, TX from Church Planting and Development Coordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions

 Bonnie Abbas

  • Living with her sister in IA since leaving S.A. due to health reasons.


Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer

Darrel and Lori Jingst

  • EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL

Norman and Susan Smith family (www.smithlife.net)

  • Have returned from furlough to Kumamoto, Japan.
  • Seeking to build bridges with individuals and establish Churches.

Mike and Peggy Carr

  • Missionary Builders with CBM.
  • Mike has been traveling to several states where Churches are anticipating building for expanding ministries. These consultations take a week each. Two projects are to get underway this summer. God answered this recent prayer request!
  • Peggy has been having an encouraging nursing home ministry.
  • Julia is to have surgery in the near future.

Brad and Marie Hansen and family                                  

  • Baptist Church Planters, Bussey, IA
  • Visit the church website: busseychurch.com
  • The Hansen’s support is at 20%. With services to be conducted in Bussey, there is little opportunity to travel to Churches so that the need for more support is more widely known! (If you can help, information on where to send special gifts or regular support is included in their update which is posted on the Missions” Board.)

Dennis and Peggy Robinson,

  • CBM, Missionary Builders

Ed and Cheryl Bunt

  • CBM Church Planters, Chatsworth, Illinois


Missionaries We Support With Prayer

Lars and Phyllis Wessberg

  • Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E. Pray for them as they decide where/how God wants them to serve as they deal with the limitations of age.

Steve and Kelley Frerichs,

  • Church Planters in Lima, Peru

Cathy King

  • Pray for her ministry to women with Sabrina’s Hope.

Lucas / Kimberly Warner ( www.facebook.com/WarneresinRomainia )

  • Serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions.

Nicole Carr

  • Serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Romania.
  • Pray for continued mastery of language expertise.

The Jonathan Boyd Family

  • Missionaries to Colombia with ABWE. (BoydHome.com )
  • Continue to pray for the twenty-nine students enrolled in the Bible College!

Henry John Family

  • With Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native India
  • Molly needs a kidney transplant.
  • Professors and college students are going with Henry on 5 different dates. Pray for safety, protection, and good health for all. Pray for the classes and youth outreach.
  • Pray for the 7 Church planters in 5 towns that are working on new fields of ministry there in North India.
  • $12,000 is still needed for the summer travels!

Pat and Bonnie Ryal

  • They are dealing with long-term effects of the chemo drugs the Dr. needed in order to go into remission with the cancer. An irregular heart rhythm is his latest health issue. Pray the Ryals can still be of use to the Lord in Nicaragua and other Latin American areas.

George and Dottie Hatfield (http://ghatfield.ebm.org)

  • Campus Ministries at ISU in Ames
  • Praise the Lord for good attendance in the various ministries as the school year closed out.
  • Pray for summer school opportunities and ministries. Pray for helpful folk from Cross Road Baptist Church to step up to serve. Volunteers are needed to assist the Hatfields in various ways.

Anna Beth Wivell (www.annabethwiv.com )

  • Continue to pray for the every-day difficulties in the life of a translator there in Chad.
  • FACT: Africa’s 1.2 million people speak 2,144 of the world’s 7,099 languages!

Rhonda Green RN     

  • Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam

The Mapes

  • With Baptist Mid-Missions – Ghana.

Timothy and Jane Silcott Family (www.silcottministries.com )

  • With COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches.

Pat and Wendy Campbell

  • Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to Peru
  • Praise God that many have given to the work-study scholarship fund for students to attend seminary.
  • Pray for Pat and Wendy as they teach daily classes.

Wesley and Sonia Chatla

  • International Gospel Missions – Church planting in India
  • Not only did Wesley get to come to the USA to attend his brother’s wedding. His parents were able to make the trip also! This was their last son’s wedding. That they could make the 18-hour trip was truly prayers answered.
  • Pray for the Chatla’s oldest son as he makes decisions about what to do after graduation from high school.
  • Persecution of Christians is rising in much of India. Pray for the upcoming election to make this better, not worse, for believers.

Mark and Leslie Boyd and Family

  • Church planting missionaries to Germany
  • Summer teams and visitors are coming. Pray for strength to handle details and to utilize the Trekkers to the best advantage. 15,000 fliers are being handed out. Stamina is needed.
  • Pray that Natalie has no lasting issues from the ear infection that has persisted this month.
  • Continue to pray for the details regarding a public meeting place for the baby Church.

The Snells

  • Baptist Mid-Missions to Germany.
  • They felt the tests went well, though they have yet to get their final grade. There is a continued interest in spiritual things by their language teacher. Praise the Lord!
  • Opportunities continue to open up as the Snells settle into their lives there in Germany!

James / Christen Taylor – Brazil (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com )

John and Bev Leonard (www.prayforjohnblog.wordpress.com)

  • Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil
  • They were able to make the difficult trip to the Guarani Village. The Chief’s son said he had never heard about the Bible, never opened a Bible, and never heard of Jesus. Few from the outside world make the journey in to visit this tribe!
  • The new parsonage project is ahead of schedule. Praise the Lord! The pastor and wife can live there now and have no rent to pay!
  • There have been new believers in the Church.

David and Patti West

  • Gospel Mission of S.A
  • Six years of deputation and language school. Now, the couple is becoming acclimated to Argentina. They are “making adjustments and rolling with the changes.”
  • Pray for paperwork to continue to go smoothly and for language skills to continue to improve.

 Mark and Jennifer Tylavsky

  • Church Planters with CBM.
  • They still need to find a renter for their house here in IA.

Joy Akkermann

  • Baptist Mid-Missions transitioning to the jungles of Peru

The Campbell Family (www.campbellfamily.com)

  • Church planting in Murdo, SD.

Mark, Anahi, and Sophia Self                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Church planters/Serving in Argentina.

Rick and Elaine Fessel

  • Assisting the German Missionaries in Eichstatt, Germany (BMM)
  • The young couple with the high-risk pregnancy did lose their little one, but they were able to spend 6 hrs. with her before she passed. Many opportunities to share the gospel at the hospital came about through this situation.
  • A refugee that Rick knows has put him in contact with a group of Iranian and Afghan refugees that are 14 miles away. These folks have asked him to teach the basics of the Bible to them. Four to ten young men have professed faith in Christ!
  • June 5-24, the Fessels will be in the US. They will attend daughter Susie’s wedding and report to several supporting Churches.

Ben and Katie Wooster

  • CBM Builders.
  • Their support level has reached 90%.
  • Pray they can soon start on another building project.

The Hemsworth Family

  • On deputation to serve at Missionary Acres with Baptist Mid-Missions.
  • Check out their new website: hemsworths2ma.com
  • Their commissioning service is behind them, and 24% of their support needs remain. They also need funding for their outfit and passage account and the costs for completion of the remodeling of their future home at Missionary Acres.
  • Another couple, Bryan and Lisa Tanner, have been searching for a ministry are headed to candidate school which will be followed by deputation. The hope to use their skills and gifts and work with the Hemsworths in the future and Missionary Acres!

The Barry Farlow family

  • On furlough from serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Brazil in Church and Seminary teaching.



LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE ARE ALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THE JOB WILL GET DONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students – summer ministries lie ahead, Pastor Capon, State GARBC Rep., the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com ; Shepherd’s; Alpha Women’s Center; our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website: www.fbcbrayton.org ; Baptist Children’s Home Ministries (Three of the homes in India have had to close due to government regulation. Possible half of the children in total that are being ministered to there in that country will lose the love, support, and security the Indian homes have provided!); and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. Pray for Israel/the Jews. Pray that we will reach those who need the Lord in our own neighborhoods. With the Patch Clubs’ end, pray that these kids can attend Sunday School and Church. VBS preparations are underway. Pray for and attend Women’s Bible Study, WMF Project Days and Men’s Prayer and Project Mornings!

Categories Missions Prayer Sheets | Tags: | Posted on May 19, 2018

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