Missions’ Prayer Sheet for January 2018

Prayer is Your Missionaries’ Greatest Need!

January 2018

Our Retired Missionaries

Virgil and Dolores Bunjer

  • Retired missionaries from Germany, living in Ankeny, IA

Allen and Marilyn Adler

  • Native American ministry, Townsend, MT.
  • Marilyn has had some recurrence of her health difficulties but is doing better again.
  • A man accepted Christ as his Savior at the prison ministry in Deer Lodge

Ron and Kathleen Weber

  • “Retired” in NJ after Church planting for 40 years in Brazil.
  • They are working on learning Spanish to be able to minister to the Hispanic families that their Church is reaching.
  • They are loving opportunities to invest their lives in their grandkids.

Joan Nichols

  • Living in Ankeny, formerly served in Latin America
  • Near the middle of December, Joan was hospitalized for pneumonia resulting from a bout with the flu. She is transitioning to home via a rehab center.

Wyzetta Titus

  • Widow of Gerald Titus faithfully serving the homebound in her area of VA
  • God continues to give her opportunities and strength to be an encourager.
  • She rejoices in the arrival of more great grandbabies!

Lois Wantoch

  • Serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon

Dan and Peggy Whitcher  (www.danandpeggy.com )

  • Retired in Katy, TX from Church Planting and Development Coordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions

 Bonnie Abbas

  • Living with her sister in IA since leaving S.A. due to health reasons.


Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer

Darrel and Lori Jingst

  • EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL
  • The were able to be with family in IA over the holiday season. They returned from our cold weather to abnormally cold temperatures in Florida.

Norman and Susan Smith family (www.smithlife.net)

  • Serving in Kumamoto, Japan – workers needed!
  • Seeking to build bridges with individuals and establish Churches.
  • Pray for Jonathan, Marty, Nathan, and Takahiro who will share preaching duties in Norman’s absence – the Smith family being on a 3-month furlough in the USA.

Mike and Peggy Carr

  • Missionary Builders with CBM, building — have completed the project at Fort Ashby, W. Va. and are serving at Mission Headquarters.

Brad and Marie Hansen and family

  • Baptist Church Planters, Bussey, IA
  • Visit the church website: busseychurch.com
  • Have opened the new Tire and Service business in Bussey with prayer that it will be used for the glory of God as an outreach to folk in the area.

Dennis and Peggy Robinson,

  • CBM, Missionary Builders

Ed and Cheryl Bunt

  • CBM Church Planters, Chatsworth, Illinois


Missionaries We Support With Prayer

Lars and Phyllis Wessberg

  • Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E. Pray for them as they decide where/how God wants them to serve as they deal with the limitations of age.

Steve and Kelley Frerichs,

  • Church Planters in Lima, Peru

Cathy King

  • Pray for her ministry to women with Sabrina’s Hope.

Lucas / Kimberly Warner ( www.facebook.com/WarneresinRomainia )

  • Serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions.
  • The attendance at special events during Christmas was very encouraging.
  • 90% of the community came to the family photo event that the Church sponsors each year.

Nicole Carr

  • Serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Romania.
  • The teen choir was able to travel to two other Roma Churches and present their program!
  • Pray for Nicole’s personal goals for the new year. She would like to develop more fully the medical aspect of her ministry.

The Jonathan Boyd Family

  • Missionaries to Colombia with ABWE. (BoydHome.com )
  • Classes at the Institute start in February. Pray for the preparations for this. Pray that there will be at least 5 students for each course.
  • Thank the Lord that more than 10% has come in towards the building program there.

Henry John Family

  • With Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native India
  • Molly needs a kidney transplant.
  • Pray for the January modules that will be taught by Henry John and a pastor who is going also.

Pat and Bonnie Ryal

  • They are dealing with long-term effects of the chemo drugs the Dr. needed in order to go into remission with the cancer. An irregular heart rhythm is his latest health issue. Pray the Ryals can still be of use to the Lord in Nicaragua and other Latin American areas.

George and Dottie Hatfield (http://ghatfield.ebm.org)

  • Campus Ministries at ISU in Ames
  • Pray for the Sharbaughs – their support level at 78%
  • An answer to prayer: Mary made a profession of faith.
  • A couple recently baptized have moved to Norway for a teaching job and research. They have found a Church, but there are no children’s classes.
  • A student who is visiting family in India is excited that her younger sister wants to ask Jesus to be her Savior.


Anna Beth Wivell (www.annabethwiv.com )

  • Translation of the Sara Kaba Naa Bible are getting near the end of the project. The translation teams are discouraged. Pray that they get their second wind!
  • 140 Baptist Church leaders recently came from all over southern Chad for training. Anna Beth’s dad got to come as one of the teaching missionaries. They had a wonderful reunion.
  • FACT: Africa’s 1.2 million people speak 2,144 of the world’s 7,099 languages!

Rhonda Green RN     

  • Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam
  • Her recent thoughts of the song “He Giveth More Grace” has challenged her to “wear the garments of praise instead of the garments of complaint.”
  • Rhonda’s good friend, Sisena, passed away, and while many in her family claim to know about God, they appear to have no relationship with Him. Pray they accept Him and love Him as did Sisena.

The Mapes

  • With Baptist Mid-Missions – Ghana. Back full-time in their African ministry.

Timothy and Jane Silcott Family (www.silcottministries.com )

  • With COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches.

Pat and Wendy Campbell

  • Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to Peru

Wesley and Sonia Chatla

  • International Gospel Missions – Church planting in India
  • Praise the Lord that Wesley was able to travel to train Church leaders in Berlin, Bangkok, and Dubai.
  • Praise the Lord that Wesley’s dad can now walk with a walker. His mom had to have hernia surgery a third time this month, but both the parents continue to serve the Lord the best they can.

Mark and Leslie Boyd and Family

  • Church planting missionaries to Germany
  • The second service of the new little Church met in the Boyd’s living room. Pray for a public meeting place to be found.

The Snells

  • Baptist Mid-Missions to Germany.

James / Christen Taylor – Brazil (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com

  • Five new members have joined the Church.
  • God continues to provide funds for the building project. Phase 1: foundation, walls, and roof should be complete by March!
  • Pray for several young people in the Church that want to go to Bible College. This is so countercultural and “not cool.” James has concluded that if the people of the Church see the necessity of being in God’s Word regularly, amazing results come in lives.

John and Bev Leonard (www.prayforjohnblog.wordpress.com)

  • Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil

David and Patti West

  • Gospel Mission of S.A
  • They made the hurdle of language school. They are in Uruguay at GMSA Missionary Conference and will travel to Argentina for a week of family camp.
  • Plans are then to visit family and supporting Churches on the west coast of the USA and then move to Argentina in March. Pray that the remaining support is in by then!

 Mark and Jennifer Tylavsky

  • Church Planters with CBM.
  • They still need to find a renter for their house here in IA.
  • They are still searching for a rental house in Bowie – one that meets their needs and one they can afford.

 Joy Akkermann

  • Baptist Mid-Missions transitioning to the jungles of Peru
  • One of the two girls from Sunday School that sought out Joy to lead them to Christ as Savior has been forbidden by her mom to attend Church now. Pray for this situation.

The Campbell Family (www.campbellfamily.com)

  • Church planting in Murdo, SD.
  • The after-school kid’s club is reaching many kids that do not attend the Campbell’s Church.

Mark, Anahi, and Sophia Self                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

  • Church planters/Serving in Argentina.

Rick and Elaine Fessel

  • Assisting the German Missionaries in Eichstatt, Germany (BMM)
  • Caroling at the local market was a challenge with the weather, but this annual outreach was accomplished.
  • Pray for the refugee ministry that continues to be a focus for the Fessels.

Ben and Katie Wooster

  • CBM Builders.
  • The Ft. Ashby Church voted for the builders to re-insulate the fellowship hall, so they will remain there this winter, moving to WI in the spring.

The Hemsworth Family

  • On deputation to serve at Missionary Acres.
  • Check out their new website: hemsworths2ma.com

The Barry Farlow family

  • On furlough from serving with Baptist Mid-Missions in Brazil in Church and Seminary teaching.
  • The Farlows are in Burney, CA to report the next 2 ½ months. (Read their latest letter to see why prayer for missionaries’ safe travels is so vital!



LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE ARE ALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THE JOB WILL GET DONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students as they return to classes. Pastor Capon, State GARBC Rep., the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com ; Shepherd’s; Alpha Women’s Center; our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website: www.fbcbrayton.org ; IARBC statewide ministries; Baptist Children’s Home Ministries; and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. Pray for Israel/the Jews. Pray that we will reach those who need the Lord in our own neighborhoods. Patch Clubs are starting again. Pray that these kids can attend Church on Sunday. Pray that families in this area will see the need of boys and girls hearing the Gospel in order to grow spiritually every week through: Sunday School, Children’s Church ministries. Pray for and attend Women’s Bible Study, WMF Project Days and Men’s Prayer and Project Mornings!

Categories Missions Prayer Sheets | Tags: | Posted on January 6, 2018

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