Missions’ Prayer Sheet for January 2015

image002Take Time Today to Pray!
Prayer is Your Missionaries Greatest Need! January 2015
Our retired missionaries
                Virgil and Dolores Bunjer, retired missionaries from Germany and living in Ankeny, IA, helping minister to senior missionaries for Baptist Mid-Missions.  They send greetings. They were glad to get our recent  report on what First Baptist in Brayton has been doing.
                Louis  Miller, retired builder, living at Manning needs our prayers and encouragement. To contact him: c/o The Manning Plaza, 410 Main St. Manning, IA 51455, or e-mail plazaresident@mrhcia.com , and put in the subject line: Louis Miller.
                Allen and Marilyn Adler, Native American ministry, Townsend, MT Allen has been taking the training for prison ministry and will start ministering to 100 federal prisoners soon. Both Allen and Marilyn have been having services with the nursing home residents. Continue to pray for the tracts Allen passes out to those who may be open to their need of a Savior. Pray that Marilyn continues to show improvement from her hiatal hernia surgery.
                Joan Nichols, living in Ankeny, formerly serving in Latin America. Her cancer follow-up tests are this month.
                Wyzetta Titus, widow of Gerald Titus serving the homebound in her area of VA Her phone # is 434-2199-1197 if you would care to call and encourage her. Her address: 1310 Ashburn Drive, Forest, VA 24551
                The Dean Buttons, former Builders, now located at Marshalltown, IA
                Lois Wantoch serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon
                Bonnie Abbas, now staying with her sister in IA following a stroke – She is making the adjustment to being in the States after 50+ years of her life living in Chile. There are major problems with her having a health plan. Besides recovering from her stroke, she has some physical needs the next few months that need attention (dental and skin cancer). Pray for her beloved Chilean friends. The Bible study group and the Quilpue Church especially need us to pray for them.
Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer        
                Norman and Susan Smith family serving in Japan, seeking to build bridges to individuals and establish Churches–  www.smithlife.net    1160-13 Kyokushi-fumoto, Kikuchi, Kumamoto-ken 869-1202 JAPAN  This is the month the storefront is being put into use to reach the community. Pray for a wonderful response.
            Darrel and Lori Jingst, EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL
                Mike and Peggy Carr, Missionary Builders with CBM, now at the Cantonment, FL project.
            Dan and Peggy Whitcher, Church Planting and Development Cordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions. Follow them: www.danandpeggy.com   
Brad and Marie Hansen and family, Baptist Church Planters, Bussey, IA
                Dennis and Peggy Robinson, CBM, Missionary Builders  
                Ron and Kathleen Weber —  reporting to their Churches and then starting a “retiring” short-term missions ministry, after starting 11 strong Churches with ABWE in Brazil –  
                Ed and Cheryl Bunt, CBM Church Planters, Danville, IA
                Pete and Darla Ringleberg, CBM Home Office – in MI  
Missionaries We Support With Prayer
                Lars and Phyllis Wessberg – Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E. They are entering their 30th year of traveling in full-time evangelism. Their 13 day trip to Israel was a wonderful experience. Praise the Lord that Phyllis was able to see her Dr. in a timely fashion as some heart problems surfaced that were in need of attention. A heart catherization has cleared up her problem. Pray for vehicle and home repairs that seem unending to the Wessbergs right now.
                Steve and Kelley Frerichs, Church Planters in Lima, Peru Pray for increased support The Frerichs are currently at 87% of their monthly support  need.
                Stephen and Cathy King, serving in the printing ministry as they anticipate going to Scotland  
                Blane and Kelly Barfknecht family, Church Planters with BCP, Chalco Hills Baptist Church in the Omaha area of NE   Check out the website: www.chalcohillsbaptist.com The Church merge did not come about. This disappointed the Barfknecht family a bit, but they take comfort that God loves the Church and will continue to use and bless each of the two Churches as they move forward in ministry. Children’s ministry is being expanded in the new year. Blane is having Bible studies in the country jail with about 15 men attending. Several have prayed to accept Christ. Pray for these new believers!
                Lucas and Kimberly Warner, serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions Check out the progress: www.facebook.com/WarnersinRomainia
                The Barry Farlow family, in Brazil, serving with Baptist Mid-Missions See: www.thefarlows.com  Their fellow missionaries are on a short furlough. Pray for Barry and Ellen as they keep things running at the Church. Pray for a recent graduate who is being received well by Indian tribes along the Amazon – that a Church can be established there.
                The James Taylors (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com ) in Brazil  
The Boyds, missionaries to Colombia with ABWE, now on furlough Visit: www.BoydHome.com   The Boyds left for Colombia Jan. 9th. Pray that they can get settled back into the work there in Santa Marta.
Henry John family with Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native IndiaPray for the work going on in India. Henry continues to train national Church planters and leaders. Molly still awaits a kidney. There are presently two possibilities. Pray the money comes in and that land can be found so a seminary building can be built. Recent persecutions and threats in North India show the rise of a new Hindu radicalism. Pray for all Christians there.
Pat and Bonnie Ryal medical missionaries to Nicaragua with ABWE  
George and Dottie Hatfield, Campus Ministries at ISU in Ames Visit: http://ghatfield.ebm.org
Rhonda Green, RN, Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam
Ben and Katie Wooster, on deputation as CBM missionary builders – Check out the mission’s new website:  www.cbmoffice.org See their letter for pictures of all the progress at Cornerstone Baptist Church. The flights to and from IA for Christmas went well. Support level is 59%. Pray that they are at 65% by the time they leave New York!
Anna Beth Wivell with Baptist Mid-Missions, translator, now in Chad in Africa  View her blog: www.annabethwiv.com
Timothy and Jane Silcott family with COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches. Check out www.silcottministries.com
Pat and Wendy Campbell, Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to Peru
Wesley and Sonia Chatla – International Gospel Missions, National Pastor to India The time draws near for the family to go back to India. Pray for Wesley as he completes his studies at Faith. The amount still needed to purchase the school bus is $4923.17. Pray that it can soon be in use taking children to the Christian school. Money to purchase land for a Church building is the other big need that they share. Keep praying
The Phillips Family, Team Church Planters in Chicagoland with Baptist Church Planters. Visit www.phillips5.net  They will be attending the Baptist Church Planters Banquet and interacting with their home Church while here in IA. Pray for travels.
Mark and Leslie Boyd and family, Missionaries to Germany The retreats were very encouraging. The Boyds had a relaxing Christmas with their family at home.
John and Bev Leonard, Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil Check out: www.prayforjohn.com
David and Patti West, Gospel Mission of S.A., anticipating “training nationals in Argentina and Chile. 43,000 miles – how far the Wests went this last year. Pray for their upcoming meetings in WI, IA, and NE. Pray that learning the Spanish language will go well. That is to be their next hurdle.
The Tylavskys – Church Planters with CBM Their plans are to work with veteran church planters Jeff and Deb Minniear. As they continue on deputation, pray for the Bible studies they are involved in. Please, keep praying that God will speed them on their way.
Joy Akkermann with Baptist Mid-Missions headed to the jungles of Peru
The Campbell family with ABWE headed to Cumbaya, Equador (www.campbellfamily-ecuador.com)
Mark, Anahi, and Sophia Self, serving in Argentina They had their very first Christmas Musical in General Pachecco. There were visitors. The Gospel was presented. Praise the Lord that funds have come in to purchase the land for the Church to meet and build on!

 LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE ARE ALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THE JOB WILL GET DONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students back from semester break, Joe Hayes’ health issues and Pastor Capon, State GARBC Rep., the need of a new president for Faith,  the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com , Shepherd’s Home, Alpha Women’s Center, our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website:www.fbcbrayton.org , IARBC statewide ministries, Baptist Children’s Home Ministries (Could you help with a food shower for a Home or even with the 20 mile bike-a-thon and two mile walk?),  and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh ( The latest? Go to http://mchrenewalproject.blogspot.com )  Pray for the Jews. Pray for Israel. Pray for our Ladies Bible Study! Pray for Men’s Prayer Breakfasts! Pray for the winter camp ministry at Clear Lake, and that we will see those who need the Lord in our own neighborhoods! Pray for Patch Club and Compass! The Brayton Challenge is just ahead. Pray for those involved in the special evening and for the youth to be here with sports, work, etc. competing for their time.

Categories Missions Prayer Sheets | Tags: | Posted on January 25, 2015

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