Missions’ Prayer Sheet for November 2014

Take Time Today to Pray!

 Prayer is Your Missionaries Greatest Need! Nov., 2014

Our retired missionaries

                Virgil and Dolores Bunjer, retired missionaries from Germany and living in Ankeny, IA, helping minister to senior missionaries for Baptist Mid-Missions.  The Missions’ Conference in Ingolstadt ended with ordination of Willi to office of Pastor to the new church plant in Eichstaett. Several families were “set apart” to be part of the team starting meetings in the new town. The Pastor from Ingolstadt recently spoke at the sister mission Church in Berlin. The Bunjers rejoice that the German Churches are growing and thriving. (They waited many years to see this all come to pass, and it thrills them very much.)

            Louis  Miller, retired builder, living at Manning needs our prayers and encouragement. To contact him: c/o The Manning Plaza, 410 Main St. Manning, IA 51455, or e-mail plazaresident@mrhcia.com , and put in the subject line: Louis Miller.

            Allen and Marilyn Adler, Native American ministry, Townsend, MT The prison ministry is bearing fruit in various decisions being made by prisoners. Two accepted the Lord as Savior. Marilyn was to have her second cornea transplant, however, she had to have hiatal hernia surgery. There were complications, but she is doing better now.

            Joan Nichols, living in Ankeny, formerly serving in Latin America. Praise the Lord! Her tests following cancer treatments came back with good results. She doesn’t have to see the Dr. for 3 months. Energy and appetite are both returning.

            Wyzetta Titus, widow of Gerald Titus serving the homebound in her area of VA Her phone # is 434-2199-1197 if you would care to call and encourage her. Her address: 1310 Ashburn Drive, Forest, VA 24551

            The Dean Buttons, former Builders, now located at Marshalltown, IA

            Lois Wantoch serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon

            Bonnie Abbas, now staying with her sister in IA following a stroke –

Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer 

                Norman and Susan Smith family serving in Japan, seeking to build bridges to individuals and establish Churches– www.smithlife.net    1160-13 Kyokushi-fumoto, Kikuchi, Kumamoto-ken 869-1202 JAPAN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

            Darrel and Lori Jingst, EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL The old paper cutter keeps limping along. $9,925 of $28,000 has come in toward its replacement. Mexico is opening up as a needy area for EBI materials. Pray for theDominican Republic to become a distribution area also. The Jingsts continue to minister to the youth at their Church. Pray for wisdom and direction for Darrel and Lori.

                Mike and Peggy Carr, Missionary Builders with CBM, now at the Cantonment, FL project.

            Dan and Peggy Whitcher, Church Planting and Development Cordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions. Follow them:www.danandpeggy.com   This month the Whitchers are in Mexico City, renewing fellowship with the Church there.

Brad and Marie Hansen and family, Baptist Church Planters, Bussey, IA

                Dennis and Peggy Robinson, CBM, Missionary Builders  

                Ron and Kathleen Weber —  reporting to their Churches and then starting a “retiring” short-term missions ministry, after starting 11 strong Churches with ABWE in Brazil –  

                Ed and Cheryl Bunt, CBM Church Planters, Danville, IA

                Pete and Darla Ringleberg, CBM Home Office – in MI  

Missionaries We Support With Prayer

                Lars and Phyllis Wessberg – Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E.  

                Steve and Kelley Frerichs, Church Planters in Lima, Peru While on furlough, the Frerichs are finding many opportunities for evangelism and discipleship in Des Moines. They are currently at 87% of their monthly support  need.

                Stephen and Cathy King, serving in the printing ministry as they anticipate going to Scotland  The Kings were recently in the area to visit their youngest son and family and to take belongings out of storage in Des Moines. “Chemo feet and hands” are a challenge for Stephen in the cold of the North.

                Blane and Kelly Barfknecht family, Church Planters with BCP, Chalco Hills Baptist Church in the Omaha area of NE   Check out the website:www.chalcohillsbaptist.com

                Lucas and Kimberly Warner, serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions Check out the progress: www.facebook.com/WarnersinRomainia

                The Barry Farlow family, in Brazil, serving with Baptist Mid-Missions See: www.thefarlows.com  The soccer outreach has brought two boys to regular attendance at the Church services. Pray for the young man that Barry is discipling. The end of Nov. the seniors of the Bible Institute graduate. Some know which ministry they will begin. Others need to know where the Lord would have them serve.

                The James Taylors (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com ) in Brazil  

The Boyds, missionaries to Colombia with ABWE, now on furlough Visit: www.BoydHome.com   Furlough time has been a joy as the Boyds have served in their sending Church. They plan to return to Colombia in January. Pray that the needed $300 additional support will be pledged before the family leaves. Alfredo has accepted the Lord. He and two others have been baptized. Praise the Lord that the drought ended so a baptism could be held. (It was not possible to find enough water for a baptismal service. Even if they had held it in the ocean, there would not have been enough water to wash the salt off those who were baptized!)

Henry John family with Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native IndiaPray for Henry and Molly still in India. There is a new hospital in DehraDun, so Molly can have dialysis there. She still awaits a kidney. Pray that she can have a transplant and have more freedom to serve with Henry in India. Pray for the upcoming modules/mission trips. Pray for funds to come in for the permanent seminary. Present needs are a projector and screen, flash drives (30) and dry erase marker sets. Pray that funds come in to buy land and a building. At present, a building must be rented each time classes/modules are given. Old Christian books are also needed for the Seminary library.

Pat and Bonnie Ryal medical missionaries to Nicaragua with ABWE The Dr. is having his follow-up chemotherapy. He is treated once every two weeks. Pray that he has a minimum of side effects and can return to Nicaragua as soon as he recovers from treatments. Thank God for the many answers to prayers the Ryals have already seen.

George and Dottie Hatfield, Campus Ministries at ISU in Ames Visit: http://ghatfield.ebm.org Pray that John and Marissa Sharbaugh will see their support come in quickly. They are so needed in the ISU ministry! Pray for Dottie as she prepares and teaches 6 Bible studies and an English conversation group. A student from India recently trusted the Lord. Pray that she grows spiritually. Pray for the student leaders as well as for the new contacts.

Rhonda Green, RN, Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam

Ben and Katie Wooster, on deputation as CBM missionary builders – Check out the mission’s new website:  www.cbmoffice.org Rejoice with theWoosters! Their support is growing, now up to 56%. Pray for their building ministry there in New York and for deputation meetings every weekend. Pray for them as they winter in their trailer, experiencing their first New York winter. AWANA has been going great in the Church there. Pray for the Woosters as they participate as AWANA leaders.

Anna Beth Wivell with Baptist Mid-Missions, translator, now in Chad in Africa  View her blog: www.annabethwiv.com She is so thankful that she has been able to get a vehicle. She is very thankful that her vehicle uses diesel fuel. It costs only $8. a gallon. Gasoline is $44. a gallon. Some places sell it as high as $66. a gallon! The translator we have been praying for has seen improving health. His leg is not totally healed though. Pray for the translation workshops. The intensity continues until Christmas time.

Timothy and Jane Silcott family with COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches. Check out www.silcottministries.com

Pat and Wendy Campbell, Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to Peru

Wesley and Sonia Chatla – International Gospel Missions, National Pastor to India

The Phillips Family, Team Church Planters in Chicagoland with Baptist Church Planters. Visit www.phillips5.net  God is directing people to the membership of the Great Commission Baptist Church. Pray that some of the regularly attending non-members will take the step of joining. English as a second language classes have resumed. Pray also for the adults from the Church who are mentoring at Albert Einstein Elementary. The administration appreciates their help with their high risk children.

Mark and Leslie Boyd and family, Missionaries to Germany The much-anticipated evangelistic campaign is just over. Pray that there will be a good report in the Boyd’s next letter. Pray with them about choosing a new church planting site. The area needs a big house, good schools, and folks ready to respond to the Gospel.

John and Bev Leonard, Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil Check out: www.prayforjohn.com “Your prayers mean so much!!”

David and Patti West, Gospel Mission of S.A., anticipating “training nationals in Argentina and Chile.

The Tylavskys – Church Planters with CBM

Joy Akkermann with Baptist Mid-Missions headed to the jungles of Peru Her support is at 65%. She attended the last seminar she needs to attend before leaving. She is renewing her passport and hopes to apply for a visa after the holidays. Joy will take a Spanish proficiency test to cut back on the time required in language school. She is on the road each weekend. Pray for safe travels to the Churches.

The Campbell family with ABWE headed to Cumbaya, Equador (www.campbellfamily-ecuador.com) have found they may be going toGuayaquil! It is a city on the coast with 2 million + people. The missionaries who the Campbells are to work with are having to change locations due to the health of the missionary wife, so pray with them about this possible change in their plans. Pray for the Church in Cumbayathat it will have strong leaders as the missionaries have to go.         

Mark, Anahi, and Sophia Self, serving in Argentina An excellent property has been found. It is in an ideal area in which to establish a Church. Two lots are connected. A building already there can be used for Bible Studies. The price is right. Funds already coming in, plus a matching gift make the remainder of what is needed to purchase the property $85,000. Pray that God’s people can help. All funds are needed before Christmas. Sister churches in the region are giving special offerings to help. Pray that folk here in the U.S. will catch the vision!

LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE ARE ALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THE JOB WILL GETDONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students as they study  in school and work at jobs, Joe Hayes’ health issues and Pastor Capon, State GARBC Rep., the need of a new president for Faith,  the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com , Shepherd’s Home, Alpha Women’s Center, our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website: www.fbcbrayton.org , IARBC statewide ministries, Baptist Children’s Home Ministries,  and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh ( a final decision on the railroad right of way, safety for workers on the hospital construction, more doctors, nurses, and a project manager to finish the building, and for reliable electrical power. Go to http://mchrenewalproject.blogspot.com to see photos of the construction!).  Pray for the Jews. Pray for Israel. Pray for our Ladies Bible Study! Pray for Men’s Prayer Breakfasts! Pray for the winter camp ministry at Clear Lake, and that we will see those who need the Lord in our own neighborhoods! Pray for Patch Club and Compass!

Categories Missions Prayer Sheets | Tags: | Posted on November 23, 2014

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