Missions’ Prayer Sheet for February 2014
Take Time Today to Pray!
Prayer is Your Missionaries Greatest Need! February, 2014
Our retired missionaries
Virgil and Dolores Bunjer, retired from Germany and living in Ankeny, IA, helping minister to Senior missionaries for Baptist Mid-Missions.
Louis Miller, retired builder, living at Manning needs our prayers and encouragement. To contact him: c/o The Manning Plaza, 410 Main St. Manning, IA 51455, or e-mail plazaresident@mrhcia.com , and put in the subject line: Louis Miller.
Allen and Marilyn Adler, Native American ministry, Townsend, MT It was a privilege to have them drop by for a visit on their way to Kenora, Ontario, Canada. They will serve at the IndianChurch there until April 21st. Praise the Lord that Marilyn’s eye is now seeing well after her cornea transplant.
Joan Nichols, living in Ankeny, formerly serving in Latin America.
Wyzetta Titus, widow of Gerald Titus serving the homebound in her area of VA reports that 4 of the seniors she has been ministering to have gone to be with the Lord. She has five new individuals to visit weekly. Her phone # is 434-2199-1197 if you would care to call and encourage her.
The Dean Buttons, former Builders, now located at Marshalltown, IA
Lois Wantoch serving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon
Bonnie Abbas, actively “retired” in Chile, S. A. We have not heard from Bonnie for a very long time. Pray for the needs she does have!
Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer
Norman and Susan Smith family now back in Japan, seeking to build bridges to individuals and establish Churches– www.smithlife.net They have moved to: 1160-13 Kyokushi-fumoto, Kikuchi, Kumamoto-ken 869-1202 JAPAN The new neighborhood seems to be a very welcoming one. Pray for opportunities to share the love of Jesus. Pray for GRIT. May 19-June 29, four individuals hope to take part in this introduction to missions. They have to raise their support. Two more places are available, so pray the right young folks will be able to take advantage of the Smith’s training program. Keiko is looking for a new job. Pray for the Lord to direct her. Pray for several who seem open to God’s Word. The Smiths would love to see a Church established in their area of Japan.
Darrel and Lori Jingst, EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL Publication continues. Demand is growing. Funding is always a need to provide literature in Spanish Churches where the folks are struggling to meet basic needs. Funding is always important for no one at EBI receives a salary. Some retire and some are called home to Glory. Pray for the Jingsts as they serve faithfully with their talents in this ministry.
Mike and Peggy Carr, Missionary Builders at work in MI at CBM’s home office, now located at the Pueblo West, CO project. They are finishing up the CO project and will head to Cantonment, FL to work on a new auditorium for Gulf Coast Baptist in late Feb. or early Mar. Their 13 yr. old trailer needs major work, or they need to replace it. Pray for the Lord’s direction and provision. (See missionary board for specifics as to needs for this project.) Julia’s family with the new grandbaby is doing fine. Kate is studying accounting besides working full time.
Dan and Peggy Whitcher, Church Planting and Development Cordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions. Follow them: www.danandpeggy.com Their daughter and son-in-law have arrived in Katy, TX to serve there. Gerald has had to study Spanish, and while he did this in Costa Rica, the family was immersed in the language. Pray for this church plant, the other baby Churches across America, and the Whitchers as they help to plant and develop these.
Brad and Marie Hansen and family, BaptistChurch Planters, Bussey, IA The new Church sign is up and a very attractive addition to the Church property. Pray for Brad and Marie as they go March 19th to “School” in Grafton, Ohio. Their expenses will be between $600 and $700. Pray that the funds will be coming in for this needed missionary training.
Dennis and Peggy Robinson, CBM, Missionary Builders
Ron and Kathleen Weber — reporting to their Churches and “retiring” after starting 11 Churches with ABWE in BrazilWinter has been a challenge. 85-90 degree temps for 40 years, and then THIS winter. Kathleen recently returned from a short visit to Brazil. She celebrated her mom’s 91st birthday with her folks. She visited the Churches there. A deacon in one of the Churches died in a horrible accident. Pray for his three daughters who are backslidden. He was always requesting prayer for them. The Webers are having meetings again and in June they are heading to the Midwest. They will be at Racoon River Bible Camp and visit supporting here in IA in July and August.
Ed and Cheryl Bunt, CBMChurch Planters, Danville, IA
Pete and Darla Ringleberg, CBM Home Office – in MI
Missionaries We Support With Prayer
Lars and Phyllis Wessberg – Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E.
Steve and Kelley Frerichs, Church Planters in Lima, PeruThey are traveling to report to Churches. Pray for safe travels in Washington state through March. In April, they will be speaking in Midwest Churches. Pray their support can be increased as needed. They desire to help in the Hispanic ministry in Des Moines. Pray that this becomes possible.
Stephen and Cathy King temporarily serving in the printing ministry as they anticipate going to Scotland
Blane and Kelly Barfknecht family, Church Planters with BCP, ChalcoHillsBaptistChurch in the Omaha area of NE Check out the website: www.chalcohillsbaptist.com Blane will begin leading weekly Bible studies with the prisoners in jail. Pray for Bill and Stephanie Wilson who are moving to the Omaha area soon to join in the Church planting there. Upcoming ministries are being geared for outreach. Pray new families will be reached. Pray for the Barknechts as they take a spring break vacation to FL. Kelly’s youngest sister is getting married.
Lucas and Kimberly Warner, serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions Check out the progress: www.facebook.com/WarnersinRomainia The Church took family pictures and gave family photos to Roma in the area. 34 families received one and heard the Gospel. The building is nearly complete inside. Church attendance has been down due to weather and an interpersonal conflict in the community. Pray! A new baby is to arrive in August. Pray for the growing Warner family.
The Barry Farlow family, in Brazil, serving with Baptist Mid-Missions See: www.thefarlows.com They praise God for a smooth trip and safe arrival back in Curitiba. Pray the family’s transition goes smoothly.
The James Taylors (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com ) in Brazil
Ken and Sharon Loveall, preaching and teaching in Peru’s Andes Mountains
The Boyds to Colombia with ABWEVisit: www.BoydHome.com
Henry John family with Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native India –
Pat and Bonnie Ryal medical missionaries to Nicaragua with ABWE God is blessing and answering prayers. The feeding program is underway. Pray for the construction worker who injured his back. He can’t work, and his wife has to work which prevents her from being an assistant at the clinics! Dr. Pat is guru of bathroom projects at the moment. These facilities are necessary for the Churches and the teams coming from the States. Pray for the 13 individuals who made professions of faith as a result of clinics since Jan. 1.
Dan and Karis Mapes and family on furlough from Ghana, West Africa, with Baptist Mid-Missions
George and Dottie Hatfield, Campus Ministries at ISU in AmesVisit: http://ghatfield.ebm.org – There has been very good attendance at the LIFE groups. Pray for the Bible Studies, Ga Li Chin, the intern who is inviting Maylasian students to LIFE, and for John and Marissa as they choose a Mission agency and head into campus ministry.
Rhonda Green, RN, Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam
Paul and Joyce Oetken, CBM Home Office Joyce has had severe back pain. Tests have been done. Pray the problem can be solved!
Ben and Katie Wooster, on deputation as CBM missionary builders – Check out the mission’s new website: www.cbmoffice.org Pray for them as they move this spring to Geneseo, NY to help build a church addition there. That will mean moving with a new little one!
Anna Beth Wivell with Baptist Mid-Missions, translator, now in Chad in Africa View her blog: www.annabethwiv.com The Old Testament translation is challenging, and there is still far to go. Pray for strength for the team. Pray for Susan Hossack, fellow consultant, as she gets a much-deserved break. Pray for Dr. Joy who is just back from furlough. And Anna Beth has the chance to go to Australia from mid-March to mid-May to report to those there supporting her and to visit her parents. Pray for her journey.
Timothy and Jane Silcott family with COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches. Check out www.silcottministries.com
Pat and Wendy Campbell, Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to Peru –
Wesley and Sonia Chatla – International Gospel Missions, National Pastor to India –
The Phillips Family, TeamChurch Planters in Chicagoland with BaptistChurch Planters. Visit www.phillips5.net Praise the Lord that snow shoveling makes for a good way to interact with neighbors! Children of ESL Class have begun attending services, and some families are starting to show interest in Church. Derek needs a laptop computer for home and church. Anyone have one in good condition they don’t need?
Mark and Leslie Boyd and family, Missionaries to Germany –
John and Bev Leonard, Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil – Check out: www.prayforjohn.com
David and Patti West, Gospel Mission of S.A., anticipating “training nationals in Argentina and Chile” –had a good reception as they presented their ministry in FL. Their needs are being met. They are now in MD, and will be in IA and WI in March. Pray for safe travels and that they will soon be able to set a departure date.
The Tylavskys – Church Planters with CBM
Joy Akkermann with Baptist Mid-Missions headed to the jungles of PeruShe is at 47.7% of her needed support. She is visiting Peru one more time before she actually gets to go there to serve. She left Feb. 5 and returns March 22. (She is visiting her sister and family part of the time. That is in Argentina.)
LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE AREALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THE JOB WILL GET DONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students as they study this semester, Joe Hayes’ health issues and Pastor Capon, a possible replacement for him as State GARBC Rep., the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com , Shepherd’s Home, Alpha Women’s Center, our KJAN Radio Broadcast and our website: www.fbcbrayton.org , IARBC statewide ministries, Baptist Children’s Home Ministries, and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh (need for short-term and career primary care doctors! And hospital addition underway NOW). Pray for the Jews. Pray for Israel! Pray for our Patch and Pee Wee Clubs and Compass. Pray for our Ladies Bible Study to resume and Men’s Prayer Breakfasts! Don’t stop praying and reaching out to the lost with any opportunity God provides!