Missions’ Prayer Sheet for February 2013‏

Take Time Today to Pray!

Prayer is Your Missionaries’ Greatest Need! February, 2013


Our Retired Missionaries – several of them still get some financial support from our Church

Virgil and Dolores Bunjer, Baptist Mid-Missions, now living at Ottumwa, IA, (formerGermanChurch Planters, now ministering to missionary retirees)Praise the Lord for answered prayer regarding Linda Skinner, missionary wife inLandshut, Germany. Her lung capacity is up to 98%! She will not need to go on oxygen. Treatment worked! A NC Church has taken on the project of giving and encouraging others to give toward the renovation of the Church auditorium at Landshut. What a thrill to the German believers to have this much needed project now soon to be a reality!

Louis and Bernice Miller, retired builders, living at Manning need our prayers and encouragement. Contact them: c/o The Manning Plaza, 410 Main St.Manning, IA51455, or e-mail plazaresident@mrhcia.com , and put in the subject line: Louis and Bernice Miller.

Allen and Marilyn Adler, Native American ministry, Townsend, MT want us to continue to pray for the Moirs (going to Kenora, Ontario, Canada) to get the rest of their support so they can begin ministry with the Indians.

Joan Nichols, living in Ankeny, formerly serving in Latin America Joan has had laser surgery to heal an ulcerated vein in her leg. Pray for speedy and complete healing. She plans to visit Brazil for a month starting mid-April. This would be the first time since she and her husband worked with the missionaries there 8 yrs. ago.

WyzettaTitus, widow of Gerald Titus serving the homebound in her area of VA

The Dean Buttons, former Builders, now located at Marshalltown, IA

Lois Wantochserving in her Church in NE after years on the Amazon

Bonnie Abbas, actively “retired” in Chile, S. A.


Missionaries We Support Financially and with Prayer

Norman and Susan Smith family on furlough from Japan seeking to build bridges to individuals/establish Churches– www.smithlife.net are in AL. Their time to return to Japan draws near. Pray they will be somewhat rested when they leave the States.

Darrel, Lori, Stephanie, and Stacy Jingst, EBI (Spanish Literature Publication) in Sebring, FL See their letter on the map for photos of the girls and their husbands-to-be. Pray for the Jingststo use their finances wisely with 2 weddings within one month! Literature demands continue to grow!

Mike and Peggy Carr, Missionary Builders at work in MI at CBM’s home office, now building on the Columbus, WI project. Pray for Mike as he daily has lead builder decisions to make! The new building continues to progress amazingly!

Dan and Peggy Whitcher, Church Planting and Development Cordinator, Baptist Mid-Missions. Follow them: www.danandpeggy.com Praise the Lord for travel safety over 4000 miles around the US. Pray God will send the needed Church planter to Thousand Oaks, CA. Pray for a Hispanic ministry in Greenville, SC that the Whitchers will be assisting in over the next several years. March and April will find Dan on recruiting trips and Peggy at home in MO teaching Ladies’ Bible Studies.

Brad and Marie Hansen and family, BaptistChurch Planters, Bussey, IAThey are excited to be grandparents once again and just before the new year welcomed Noah Stringer, Sam and Ann’s new little boy. While Marie was with Ann in IL, Brad and the boys remodeled the kitchen to make it easier for her to use. Some new folks are coming to the BusseyChurchand the Hansens hope to be starting a membership class soon. JOY Club has grown large enough to split into two age groups.

Dennis and Peggy Robinson, CBM, Missionary Builders, They have had some family health concerns (parents and daughter). God has been good to give them travel safety. Pray for them as they continue to help finish up the Columbus, WI project.

Ron and Kathleen Weber soon to be reporting to their Churches and the “retiring” after starting 11 Churches with ABWE in Brazil They have left their house to be sold by a friend there – meanwhile it will be rented. Ron had a fall that badly bruised his side. He had to be in bed for over 2 weeks. (God allowed others to help with the last of the packing and moving.) Their things are packed in numerous suitcases to be brought to the States by them and others. Pray all the details of their transition and relocation go extremely well for these faithful missionaries!

Ed and Cheryl Bunt, CBMChurch Planters, Danville, IA The Bunts have a blog: www.the-preachers-place.blogspot.com

Pete and Darla Ringleberg, CBM Home Office – in MI

To receive timely e-updates (as they arrive) from missionaries, send your e-mail address to Nadine: lnkading@yahoo.com— You will be able to pray for immediate needs shared by our missionaries.

Missionaries We Support With Prayer

Lars and Phyllis Wessberg– Missionary Evangelism with C.O.M.E. Their winter time in FL will soon be at a close. Pray for meeting/camp/VBS scheduling as they continue to minister in needy areas across America.

Steve and Kelley Frerichs, Church Planters in Lima, Peru

Stephen and Cathy King returned from Scotland where they got acquainted with co-workers/ministry.Pray for additional support partners for the Scotlandministry. The Kings meanwhile will work in the publishing ministry at Source of Light Ministries International. Pray for Heather’s children, Garrett, Abi, and Ella. Their mother continues to cling to life. The court is presently deciding their guardianship.

Blane and Kelly Barfknecht family, Church Planters with BCP, ChalcoHillsBaptistChurch in the Omaha area of NE Check out the website: www.chalcohillsbaptist.com The Church is celebrating 4 years of ministry this month. It continues to grow and thrive. Keep praying for the unity that it takes to continue on to becoming an independent Church.

Lucas and Kimberly Warner, serving in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missionsare back in Romania, and the final contract for the purchase of land for the church building has been signed! Buildings currently there must be demolished. Documents will be submitted that all is in order, and a 3 month wait is expected. Watch progress:www.facebook.com/WarnersinRomainia

The Barry Farlow family, inBrazil, serving with Baptist Mid-Missions See:www.thefarlows.com The Farlows have settled in in Creston and have reported to several Churches. Luke is in public school (help with speech issues) and the other boys are doing BJU DVDschool. Barry is taking on-line classes. New cell # is 641-278-0068.

The James Taylors (www.taylors4brazil.blogspot.com ) in Brazil !

Ken and Sharon Loveall, preaching and teaching in Peru’s Andes Mountains

The Boydsto Colombia with ABWE Visit:www.BoydHome.comThe Church in Santa Marta has celebrated its 2 yr. anniversary! New ladies have been added to the Church family. Pray for Roberto,Armanco, and Carolina, unsaved friends of one of the new attenders.

Henry John family with Baptist Mid-Missions serving in their native India

Pat and Bonnie Ryal medical missionaries Nicaragua with ABWE – The clinics have been very successful. Adults have been accepting the Lord as Savior through this ministry. Pray for scheduling guidance and location selection. The day Dr.Ryal sent his report it was windy and “raining mangoes.” Not to park the truck too close to a mango tree!

Dan and Karis Mapes and family on furlough from Ghana, West Africa, with Baptist Mid-MissionsTo get their e-mail updates: dkdcgh@mapesghana.com .

George and Dottie Hatfield, Campus Ministries at ISU in AmesVisit:http://ghatfield.ebm.org – George’s stress test revealed that he needed 2 stents placed in the left renal artery. He will have an ultrasound to check that all is well. He has been released to normal activities. Pray for John Murray, co-worker who works with American students at the University. After a fall on the ice at his part-time job, he sat for most of the day at his job and came up with blot lungs having several blood clots! Pray for salvation of students and growth of those who profess to be saved.

Rhonda Green, RN, Micronesian Medical Missions, Baptist Mid-Missions, Guam

Paul and Joyce Oetken, CBM Home OfficePray for an increase in their financial support. Ministry at the home office does not catch the attention of Churches as much as on-site missionaries!

Ben and Katie Wooster, on deputation as CBMmissionary builders – Check out the mission’s new website: www.cbmoffice.org . They so very much desire to be at 50% support soon so that they can go to full-time deputation status and reach out farther in deputation ministry!

Anna Beth Wivell with Baptist Mid-Missions, translator, heading to Chadin Africa View her blog: www.annabethwiv.com It is quite an adjustment to get herself used to Chad –lack of conveniences, different food, sleeping under mosquito net, customs. Progress is being made on the translation work. Keep praying for wisdom to translator and consultants. Pray for spiritual growth in the people as the written Word comes open before them!

Timothy and Jane Silcott family with COME bringing an evangelistic outreach to small Churches.Check out www.silcottministries.com

Pat and Wendy Campbell, Baptist Mid-Missions, Missionaries to PeruThey plan to return to Peru March 26th. The apartment and guest house are getting ready. The school year starts in mid-March. Gifts have come in for scholarships, and now many more students can attend, and several can continue that thought they might have to drop out. Pray for this registration with the Dept. of Justice in Peru that we have been hearing about. Pray the 10,000 followers of the beliefs of the Mission will be waived. This affects all Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries in the Country.

The Phillips Family, TeamChurchPlanters in Chicagoland with BaptistChurchPlanters. Visit www.phillips5.net are safely home in Chicago. Praise God for Derek’s new job. Pray that Aimee can transfer from her IA job to one in Chicago. God is providing their monetary needs. Pray for several individuals they have spoken to since their move. There is interest in the Gospel!

Mark and Leslie Boyd and family, Missionaries to GermanyMark has been preaching in German. 4 teenagers recently dedicated their lives to the Lord. Leslie is finishing her language studies. Mark is beginning a more-advanced class soon. Joshua awaits an opening in kindergarten. They thank us for our prayers on their behalf.

John and Bev Leonard, Baptist Mid-Missions, in Brazil Check out: www.prayforjohn.com

David and Patti West, Gospel Mission of S.A., anticipating “training nationals in Argentina and ChilePray for their continued travels on deputation. They are visiting Churches on their non-traveling weekends! They say they want the Lord’s will in scheduling their meetings, and ask us to pray about this.

TheTylavskys – Church Planters with CBM They have thoroughly enjoyed the deputation experience thus far. They hope to average 3 deputaion presentations a month. The van reached 200,000 miles, and the cruise control which hasn’t worked for years started working. Pray God will get them to the right location at the right time to begin the ministry. Pray that Mark can find a job while they continue deputation travels.

LET’S PRAY, GIVE, AND GO TO OUR NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! IF WE AREALL FAITHFUL IN OUR TASK, THEJOB WILL GET DONE! Pray for FBBC and Seminary students as they are on holiday break, the online Bible study for kids at www.iToadU.com , Shepherd’s Home, Alpha Women’s Center, our KJAN Radio Broadcast and website: www.fbcbrayton.org , IARBC statewide ministries, Baptist Children’s Home Ministries, and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. Pray for winter activities at IRBC. Pray for the Jews. Pray for Israel! Pray for our Patch Club and Compass Ministry. Pray for our Women’s Bible Study and Men’s Prayer Breakfasts! Don’t stop praying!

Categories Missions Prayer Sheets | Tags: | Posted on February 24, 2013

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